
Taekwondo for Kids

To harness the art of Taekwondo to develop passion, discipline, respect, honour and strength, and to magnify health and well-being for our students and ourselves, in mind body and spirit.

Martial Arts for Adults

To provide a nurturing, encouraging, and positive environment where our students can come to learn martial arts and self defence, gain fitness and strength, and be challenged mentally and physically to bring out the best that they can be. Exceptional coaching and leadership, technical excellence, a thorough understanding of our students’ individual personalities, capabilities and goals will allow us to mentor each person to shine to their full potential.

Special Taekwondo class

Competition pattern

Taegeuk patterns form the backbone of the grading system for WTF (World Taekwondo Federation) Taekwondo

Poomsae or formwork, is a method of solo training in which the individual practises and perfects various movements in systematic patterns, using techniques against imaginary opponents.There are eight WTF patterns (Taegeuks) for Kup grade (coloured belt) students to learn and demonstrate during gradings so that the student can display their proficiency in individual techniques and the ability to perform techniques in a logical sequence. There are further patterns for Dan grade (black belt) beginning with Koryo. The Taegeuk patterns are all intended to simulate multiple attacks coming at the student from all sides.

The Taegeuk patterns involve imaginary opponents – you must look at those opponents for the pattern to appear realistic, not at your feet, or other people around you.

In this way, the Taekwondo practitioner is able to apply his technical knowledge and develop speed, power, balance, grace, rhythm and a sense of timing. 

Because Poomsae is practised without a partner, the individual is able to focus totally on his own performance, without distraction. Thus he develops not only physical skills, but also depth of concentration, dedication and a strong, positive mental attitude. 
These attributes lead to the development of the mental discipline, the single-mindedness and the strength of character, which is part of the Taekwondo spirit.

Olympic TKD and competition sparring

For those wanting to enter into National or state competitions

Although non-contact Sparring is an integral part of a dynamic Taekwondo Class ( taekwondo patterns, taekwondo moves ), students with an interest in competition benefit from specific Sparring classes that are very skill-based. 
Sparring Class lays the foundation for an athlete to reach their full potential. Sparring class is suitable for students developing an interest in sparring and competition as well as the seasoned player who needs to maintain and improve his/her standard.

Coaches design pathways specific to students’ belt levels and upcoming competitions whether they are simply Club Championships, State or National Championships.

Benefits of Sparring Class are:

  • Quick reflexes towards increased physical, mental and emotional development
  • Age specific interaction, being accurately matched for fair and worthwhile sparring practise.
  • Specific guidance towards training and competition preparation and recovery
    Students interested in Sparring Class can join in any time as part of their regular Taekwondo membership.

Taekwondo private lessons (only for members)

Are you currently meeting your desired goals in Taekwondo?

Is there a skill that you just can’t get right? The answer may be to have a Private Lesson with one of our instructors to fine tune those stumbling blocks.
 Whilst you are currently training at United Martial Arts & Fitness Academy, do you want to:

  • further improve your current skills in taekwondo patterns and taekwondo moves?
  • catch up if you’ve missed class due to absence / illness / holidays?
  • aim for excellence or perfect certain techniques?

In 20 minutes, a Private Lesson will help you achieve your desired goals. How?

  • Dedicated Private Instructor
  • First 2 minutes establishes your personal desired outcomes
  • What do you want to achieve from your private lesson?
  • You and your Private Instructor work in a one on one session with personal attention and tips to help you improve and reach your desired outcome
  • After your Private Lesson, the assessment and feedback continues during your next class.
  • Your Head Instructor will check that your desired outcome from your private lesson has been achieved and that you are satisfied with your skill level.
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