GRADING: Sunday 11th of JUNE 2017


* Your attendance rate should be A(30&above) or B(20¬29) by Grading 11th JUNE 17

* If your attendance is incorrect, please contact Lina or Carissa at the front desk. It would be great if you bring the date you’ve attended so that we can update it quickly.

* This attendance is only from 12th of March to 13th of May 17 so your attendance would be higher if you didn’t attend the December 16 or March 17 Grading. Your attendance should be more than 20times since your last grading.

* You can check the updated total attendance on 29th of May 2017 on UMA website or at the front desk

* This attendance is since March 2017 grading so if you are white belt or missed March 17 Grading, please contact us to check your attendance or you can check your total attendance on 29th of May.

You can check your attendance now!!! Click below.
Attendance Last 63days for 11th June 17 grading

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