Taekwondo is a great way to keep fit, develop confidence, and increase discipline. It’s fantastic for physical exercise and mental focus for kids of all ages.

If your child has expressed interest in learning a martial art, Taekwondo is a great place to start. Their initial enthusiasm may have come from hearing a friend talking about their practice, or perhaps they saw something on TV or in a movie that got them excited to try it. Take time to understand what it was that appealed to them, so that you can give them the right support to train and continue their new practice.

Support their practice

Support your child’s passion to learn at all stages of their training. It’s important to continue this encouragement throughout their practice, as their interest will waiver over time. All things new and shiny end up losing that initial thrill and excitement once it becomes repetitive – but repetition is the key to building strength, precision, and speed with Taekwondo.

Encourage them to set goals

As they progress through their training, your child will learn new techniques at each level; it’s important they don’t lose sight of their progress and goals, which can sometimes be hard as progress in anything new can be slow. Remind them that Taekwondo training is about constant improvement, and of the things that drew them to the practice in the first place, which will help you to keep up their passion for training.

Know their strengths

Asides from joining your child at Taekwondo training (which you are more than welcome to!) it’s a good idea to know what kind of activities they do when at class, and what their strengths are. 

This helps children feel inspired and cared for and allows them to focus on the attributes that make them shine at practice. Build this trust with your child and you’ll enrich the bond you have with them across your lives.

Chat to the instructors

You can also talk to your child’s Taekwondo instructor about their progress and ways of supporting them throughout their training. Your child’s instructor is highly experienced when it comes to managing any problems or concerns that may arise at class. It’s important to trust the instructor and heed their advice when it comes to your child’s progress, abilities, and readiness for competition.

Always communicate

While your child may develop a bond with their classmates and teachers, it’s important that you keep their instructor informed about anything that may be going on that could impact their training. This includes physical injuries, medical concerns, or any mental health or incidental struggles they may be experiencing. 

As an example, some students start Taekwondo training after experiencing bullying or hard times at school. It’s important that instructors are aware before training commences of any day-to-day things that may have occurred and impacted your child’s ability to fully focus or perform, so that we can adjust their training accordingly.

Showing your child that you are dedicated to their improvement and supportive of their Taekwondo journey will ensure you are a model parent. With helpful encouragement and respect, your child will go far in their Taekwondo training.

At UMA, children can start learning taekwondo from 3 to 6 years old. For further questions on martial arts or sign up for a free trial class, contact us!

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